If you have a complaint relating to your insurance contract or the service provided by us or by one of our associates, please let us know as soon as possible. We take all complaints very seriously and, in order to deal with your complaint efficiently and effectively, we have put in place the following complaints procedure:
- Please submit your complaint by filling out the «Complaint Form» which you can download here and send it by
- E-mail (
- Fax: 22 731082
- by post: 33 Klimentos str, Kentriki Tower, 1061 Nicosia, P.O.Box 25131, 1307 Nicosia.
- When your complaint is received we will send a confirmation within two working days. Your complaint will be handled by specialized members of our staff fairly, and without prejudice.
- Within 15 working days you will receive a written reply informing you of the results of our investigation. In the event that we need more than 15 working days to investigate a complaint, we will inform you accordingly, in due time, explaining the reasons for the delay.
- Should the answer you receive not be to your satisfaction, please contact us and let us know the reasons why you are not satisfied. You may also retain your right to pursue your complaint via an appeal to the Financial Ombusdman ( or by taking legal measures.